Feeding the Soul since 1924

Client: Cherry Ripe


This is a series of storyboard frames and an animatic created for Cherry Ripe’s campaign to mark the brand’s 90th anniversary.

Feeding the Soul since 1924

The brief

Titled 'Feeding the soul since 1924', the campaign’s vision was to showcase those moments you create for yourself to enjoy a Cherry Ripe, uninterrupted.

Feeding the Soul since 1924

The animatic had to convey universal appeal, starring a female protagonist through the decades. Along the way our hero gets lost in a pure moment of 'me time' with a Cherry Ripe while listening to music, highlighting Cherry Ripe as a little moment of indulgence that feeds the soul. Neil Diamond's legendary 'Cherry Cherry' provides the perfect soundtrack for the final TVC.

Feeding the Soul since 1924

The idea

Starting in the present we move back to 1924 and witness the same girl proactively creating ‘me time’ by using music in various ways. While everything around her changes – the decor, fashion, style and technology – she’s always the same age and her same vivacious self.

The result

The storyboards/animatic helped the pitch to win the job that resulted in this TVC.

Audrey Green, Cherry Ripe marketing manager: "The new commercial is a great way to remind people that Cherry Ripe has been providing Australians with an intimate 'me' moment for 90 years.


Illustration: Billmund