Food Gone Bad

Client: Greener Scotland: Scottish Government


“Leave food to rot and it turns bad… reeeaaaallly bad. Let’s show the bad side of food and its consequences.”

Creative agency Leith and creative production studio Eyebolls have come together to create a campaign for the Scottish Government to encourage people to recycle their food waste, rather than letting it go ‘bad’.

This campaign included print advertising, social media ads, radio features and lastly a TV commercial… which is where Superdoodle came in.

Food Gone Bad

The brief

We were given a script for a 30 second TV commercial/online video, along with a speedy timescale of just 6/7 weeks to deliver design, animation, and final edits. Our director Katy Ross and her team of animators worked with Brussels based illustrator Robin Renard to create a hard-hitting and fast paced 2D animation.

Food Gone Bad

The idea

The idea for the animation was to start off in a kitchen scene with a banana that would turn ‘bad’ and smash up a fruit bowl. The moment that bowl smashes, we go into an almost psychedelic fantasy world where bad food is doing harm to our beloved world. It’s 30 seconds of madness, which comes full circle back to our calm kitchen scene to deliver our message; that if we recycle our food we can turn it “from enemy to energy”.

Food Gone Bad

With our tight deadline we needed to make sure the illustrations were going to be simple enough to animate quickly, but stay fun and eye catching. We avoided shading and complicated line-work, while making sure we were still focusing on Robin's idiosyncratic style.

Food Gone Bad

We used Robin’s typical bright colours for the opening and closing kitchen scene, and decided on a more sickly, mouldy colour palette for the rest of the animation - we wanted to reinforce the idea of ‘bad’ food in an unappealing world. 

The result

The “Food Gone Bad” animation won Gold in the Pubic Sector category at the Drum Roses Awards 2020.

“The Roses strive to find the hidden gems in advertising, design and digital. We celebrate exceptional creative talent providing a platform to shine."

The animation also won a "wee nod" at the Nods Awards 2020.

"The Nods give a nod to the most inspiring work, people and organisations that Scotland has to offer."


Concept/script: Leith
Producer: Victoria Watson, Eyebolls
Storyboard: Katy Ross
Illustration: Robin Renard
Animation: Superdoodle
Animation Director: Katy Ross
Animators: Kim Alexander, Ania Fyda, Jaume Osman Granda, Michael Towers, Katy Ross

Awards & goodstuff

  • Gold in the ‘Pubic Sector’ category: Drum Roses Awards 2020

  • "Wee nod": The nods 2020