Event Review: Kustomised Kicks

19 March 2018 in Illustration, Events

Although we had to deal with the abstract meteorological phenomenon that was a snow storm inside the atrium of Cabot Circus, we still had a wonderful day doodling on shoes for our ‘Kustomised Kicks’ live drawing event last Saturday.

Kustomised Kicks

We were approached by Frank to run an event in Cabot Circus, a high profile shopping centre in Bristol, where customers brought in a fresh box of trainers and had them customised by a sneaker artist. Our fabulous artist Rory Walker donned his winter coat and doodled from morning ’til night – and he did a super job!

Event review - kustomised kicks

Rory said: “I properly enjoyed myself. As an artist you’re often locked away in your studio so the chance to interact with people is quite wonderful. You can only prepare for an event like this so much; one of the exciting things about it is you never know what people are going to ask for. I had a raft of suggestions come in, from recognisable cartoon characters, to a classic Hokusai wave woodblock print replica, to repeating patterns. All presented different challenges.  My favourite pair were the outer-space themed Vans featuring a collection of stars, planets, comets, asteroids, and a waving alien in a spaceship.”

The day was a great success; our customers were thrilled, Rory was a superstar, and Frank told us that Cabot Circus’ social media stats “rocketed” for the day. Big grins all round!

Kustomised KicksKustomised KicksKustomised KicksKustomised Kicks

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