18 May 2021 in Animation
Wowee! Number 7 from our series of animations for Happify has launched today.
Happify is a self-improvement program offered in both website and app form that turns the latest innovations in positive psychology, CBT, and mindfulness into activities and games that help you lead a more fulfilling life.
We’ve been creating videos for them for a few years now, to bring awareness to the brand online. The campaign has been extremely successful, with the videos being viewed over 5.5 million times.
Our latest video is all about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, featuring Rebecca the rabbit, who practices thinking in a different way and sees some beneficial results!
Director Katy Ross had so much fun creating the garden scene, and animator David Connolly did an outstanding job bringing Rebecca to life. We also had a cameo from Dan the mouse who has featured in two of our other Happify videos!
Happify noted “We all have moments when a negative thought can creep into our consciousness and wreck our whole day. Cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT, is a powerful tool to help you identify the patterns that exist between your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. All three are interconnected: the way you feel affects what you think and what you do.
Countless studies have shown that CBT can improve depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, and many other conditions. When feelings are troubling you, changing your thoughts and behaviours can improve every aspect of your life.”
Written and produced by Happify
Audio provided by Happify
Animated by Superdoodle
Director: Katy Ross
Designer: Katy Ross
Animators: David Connolly and Katy Ross