20 January 2014 in Illustration, Process, Events
EVENT: The Art of Storytelling
WHEN: 31st January 5.30-9pm
WHERE: Comber St Gallery, 5-9 Comber Street, Paddington, Sydney, Australia
To celebrate the New Year and the stories of past, future and present, Affectors will bring you their greatly anticipated multi-sensory exhibition, ‘The Art of Storytelling’.
This unique exhibition will showcase the illustration, animation and photography of 25 Australian and inter- national artists, including Ken Taylor, Gina Kiel, Mike Watt, Chris Wahl, Supervixen, and Borja Gonzalo.
Based on the art of storytelling, artists will select a novel, play or poem from some of the most classic and greatest storytellers of our time to re-imagine their experience through multimedia illustration and video.
Join The Affectors for an exploration into literature, language and the imagination. Let multi-sensory art, live music and installation propel you back in time or perhaps, into the future, through old world adventures, space exploration, eccentric experiments and world moving moments.
As a little taster for the ‘Art of Storytelling’ event, below is the work that our co-founder Billmund will be exhibiting, “Cthulu”. It includes his initial sketch, final artwork and process video.